
Cornerstone reviews safety policies and procedures annually to ensure it is operating in a safe and compliant manner using the latest guidance from the Colorado Department of Human Services Office of Early Childhood and the Jefferson County Sheriff’s Office.

First Aid & CPR

All staff earn first aid and CPR (cardiopulmonary resuscitation) certifications on an annual basis.

Campus Safety

The Cornerstone campus includes several distinct areas, each with a unique set of safety concerns.

  • Buildings. Air filters are replaced quarterly. Emergency lights and fire extinguishers are inspected by the fire department annually.
  • Courtyard. We have a beautiful courtyard with lots of shade from several large trees. It’s great, but it also means we are forced to sweep and power wash on a regular schedule to keep things tidy and limit the amount of debris tracked into buildings. In addition, surveillance cameras watch over the playground, courtyard, and parking lot 24/7.
  • Parking Lot. The parking lot becomes a safety concern when there is snow or ice on the ground. We use a snow removal service when the accumulation is two inches or more. The staff arrives early to shovel and apply de-icer as needed.
  • Perimeter. Along the perimeter of the property, the grass is cut relatively short to discourage snakes and rodents. Bait stations to termites are serviced quarterly. Flying insect traps to control wasps, hornets, and yellow jackets are serviced regularly from late Spring through early Fall.
  • Playgrounds. We have two playgrounds, one for Toddlers and one for the rest of the children. Both use age-appropriate designs approved by the CDHS. This includes the use of pea gravel as the playground base, which is serviced annually and supplemented as needed.

Classroom Safety

  • Classrooms are inspected by CDHS annually.